Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why Caddyshack Is The Best Sports Movie Ever Made

If you haven seen Caddyshack, you haven't seen THE classic sports movie.  It has everything, drama, action, romance, a grown man living out a childhood fantasy, and some of the most memorable lines in cinema history.  So without further delay let's see why this is the best sports movie ever made.

1.  Carl Spackler - Cinderella Story:  This scene of a grown man living out his fantasy of winning The Masters is arguably the best of the film.  There's not a single golfer out there who's seen a row of flowers and not thought of reliving this scene.  The film has a ton of other great moments from Bill, like this one below, but the Cinderella Story wins out.

2.  Judge Smails:  His character is so hilarious it's impossible not to like him regardless of how horrible he is as a person.  Other than Rodney Dangerfield's character Ted Knight's lines and portrayal of a cranky old judge steal the movie.  Below are some of the best.

    *  Gambling is illegal at Bushwood sir, and I never slice.

    *  You'll get nothing and like it!

    *  I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber.  Didn't want to do it.  I felt I owed it to them.

3.  Al Czervik - Anytime he is on screen:  Rodney Dangerfield's character is a noveau riche developer, who thinks golf courses and cemeteries are the biggest waste of prime real estate in the world.  He doesn't care at all who he offends or upsets, because he can simply buy his way out of trouble.  Below are some of his best quotes.

      * This steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it.

      *  This is your grandson huh?  Wonderful boy, nice boy.  Now I know why tigers eat their young.

      *  Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.

4.  I'd keep playing, I don't think the heavy stuff is going to come down for quite a while:  If you've ever played a sport in bad weather, and you're on a hot streak then you know how important it is to never mess with a streak.  His excellency knows that all too well, but you also don't call out God when you make a bad shot.

5.  The Pool Scene:  Who knew giving caddies 15 minutes of pool time would result in absolute chaos?  The initial outset of the scene with caddies running and diving into the pool, the entrance of Lacey Underall, the attempt at synchronized swimming, and finally the infamous Baby Ruth incident, make this one of the funniest 5 minutes in movie history.

If you haven't seen the film, do yourself a favor and take an afternoon and watch it.  There won't be any money in it for you, but after your done, you'll receive total consciousness.  So you'll have that going for you...which is nice.

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