Saturday, June 7, 2014

Life Advice From A Classic Film: Dumb & Dumber

Few cinematic masterpieces eloquently illustrate the trials and struggles of the human experience.  One of those wonders is the film Dumb & Dumber.  It's a comedic tale about two below average individuals who make a cross country trek to complete the noblest of tasks:  Returning a missing briefcase to a stranger in need.  The film not only captures our hearts, but more importantly fills the viewer with life lessons and parables that only experience can teach.  

1.  You only get one chance to make a first impression:  When meeting a stranger for the first time, try not to presume where they are from, unless you are absolutely sure.   

2.  Offering a lady dinner is not always met with a positive outcome:  If you've offered a lady dinner, and she declines, it is best to politely thank her and exit the situation.

3.  Try and focus on the positive accomplishments in your relationship:  Relationships are often a myriad of highs and lows, so you need to focus on the good and try and stay upbeat.

4.  Encourage your friends when they are going through a tough time:  We all go through difficult times in our personal and professional lives, but a true friend will be there through thick and thin to always lift your spirits.

5.  When times are at their toughest, that's when you find your true character:  It's easy to be upbeat when things are going well.  But, a person finds who they truly are when the times around them are the darkest.

6.  Always have your buddy's back when he's in trouble:  One of the building blocks of our society is the well established tradition that when one of your friends is in trouble you stand beside them to help them overcome the obstacle, because you know they'd do the same for you.

7.  When dealing with the authorities, always be polite and respectful:  You're never going to have a good experience if you're rude to police officers.  It's far more beneficial to everyone to be overly polite and complimentary.

8.  Not all beer tastes good:  Beer is often an acquired taste, but once you decide to have a cold one, make sure it's high quality.  You'll appreciate it in the end.  

9.  Be attentive to what your significant other tells you:  One of the biggest reasons relationships fail is because at least one party isn't showing enough attention to the other party.  So make sure you're attentive and listen to your partner.

10.  Never miss the chance to meet new people:  Life is a series of moments and interactions.  It's always important to make the most of each and every moment; you'll never know who you'll meet or what you'll discover.

11.  When traveling to new locations, make sure to dress for the climate:  Do some research before your trip and figure out what the locals typically wear and what type of climate you're headed to.

12.  Take pride in your wardrobe:  Everyone's style is different.  It's our uniqueness that makes us distinctly human.  The saying goes to never judge a book by it's cover.  But in actuality when you've got an awesome cover it can mean many more people will want to discover what's inside.

13.  Remember where you are and what your behavior says about you:  People behave differently in different situations.  Therefore, it's vitally important that your behavior matches your locale and company.

14.  Always tip the staff:  Many service industry workers make below minimum wage and they rely on tips to help make up the difference.  So the next time someone helps you out, make sure you tip to generously tip them.  They'll be sure to make your experience the better for it.

15.  When having drinks with a friend, remember to be respectful:  Not everyone's story is interesting to you, but it is interesting to them.  So, listen to what they have to say and try and at least pretend like you're interested.  It's not only courteous, but will really mean a lot to the storyteller.

16.  Snowball fights have no rules:  If engaged in a snowball fight, it's perfectly acceptable to meet your opponent's initial confrontation with superior force and artillery.  

17.  Temper your expectations:  Just because you shoot for the stars doesn't mean you're going to even get off the ground.  It's great to be upbeat and optimistic, just don't let that optimism morph into unreasonable expectations.

18.  Pay your debts:  Society measures a man by how he upholds his agreements.  If you borrow money, do everything in your power to satisfy the debt you've incurred.  

19.  Try not to be jealous of others:  We all have things we can be jealous about, but rather than being jealous of others' happiness, or possessions, or success, it's more rewarding to count the ways in which you've been blessed and to thank the Good Lord for what you've accomplished.

20. Try and see the upside to every decision you've made:  We all second guess past decisions we've made, but those decisions define who we are, and though we might not think we've always made the right choice, things often have a way of working out in the end.

I hope you've enjoyed these parables and advice on life.  I hope you're richer for the experience of having read them, and I hope the visual aides helped to enhance the meaning of each lesson.  

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