Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bojangles vs Chick-fil-a

Alright, this might as well be called The Carolinas vs Georgia, Charlotte vs Atlanta, Pepsi vs Coca-Cola, BBQ vs Peaches.  Both of these places are an oasis for kings of the road.  I can't tell you how many times I've been driving somewhere exhausted and hungry and seen one of these signs on an upcoming exit and thought "This could not have come at a better time."

You really can't go wrong with either one of these, but everyone has their own preference.  So, I'm going to run down some of the characteristics of both and how they stack up.

Cajun Filet Biscuit > Spicy Chicken Biscuit:  This is a tough call.  However, in my humble opinion the Cajun Filet Biscuit narrowly trumps the Spicy Chicken Biscuit.  The size is a big factor, you almost always get more chicken with the Cajun Filet Biscuit.  

Chick-fil-a Ice > Bojangles Ice:  A lot of people wouldn't think ice is a big deal.  I am not one of those people.  Ice can turn a normal drink into a phenomenal experience.  The best ice is at Sonic, but Chick-fil-a also has the "nugget ice," which is the Michael Jordan of ice.  The Bo has your typical cubes, and this one is not even close.

Chick-fil-a lunch > Bojangles lunch:  The Bo is a breakfast spot.  Some people eat lunch there, but it's hard to go there and not get breakfast food.  Chick-fil-a has some delicious lunch combos and the waffle fries are pretty tough to pass up.

Customer Service:  Bojangles > Chick-fil-a:  I know some people are going to balk at this but hear me out.  Are the people at Chick-fil-a overly nice?  Yes.  Like way too nice?  Yes.  That can get pretty annoying, but not as annoying as the amount of time they take to fill up your drink.  Just fill it up as close to the top and hand it to me.  I get free refills.  You hitting the machine 5 times for .25 seconds each time isn't helping...AT ALL.   It is so frustrating, and the fact the staff says "My pleasure" after you say thank you creeps everyone out.  If you go to Bojangles, the staff is still friendly, but you are never bored.  I've never been to a Bojangles and said that experience was boring, it's generally hilarious.  You hear stories about who's dating who, someone yells out the drive-thru window at a buddy they know in a friendly manner, and the cashier's always make you laugh.  I went to a Bojangles in Wilson, NC at 9am where the staff was calling out Bingo to patrons, and this was clearly a weekly event.   Another time I went to a Bojangles in a tie and the cashier said, "You know sir, you look like someone really important."  I was on Cloud 9 the rest of the day.  Not because I felt important, but because all I could think about was the fact that it was so rare that she sees someone in a tie on a weekday that she thought someone wearing a tie was important.

Overall experience:  Bojangles > Chick-fil-a:  It's close but in the overall total package, the Bo edges out the Cow.  The ultimate decider for me comes down to this:  Bojangles is open on Sundays and serves breakfast anytime.  I think it's very admirable that Chick-fil-a is closed on Sundays so their employees can worship and be with their families.  Let me ask you this though, how many times have you wanted Chick-fil-a on Sunday and thought, "If only Chick-fil-a was open today?"  How many times have you wanted a Spicy Chicken Biscuit or Chicken Minis at 11am only to be denied?  

The Bo and Chick-fil-a are Southern staples that aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  So, whatever your preference, head on in and grab some awesome food, and when football season comes around grab a platter at Chick-fil-a or a Bo Box.  Lastly, if you've never had a Bo Berry Biscuit.  Go order one the next time you're at the Bo....You're Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Where I do I Chick fil a Breakfast Survey ?

    The Bo and Chick-fil-a are Southern staples that aren't going anywhere anytime soon. So, whatever your preference, head on in and grab some awesome food, and when football season comes around grab a platter at Chick-fil-a or a Bo Box. Lastly, if you've never had a Bo Berry Biscuit

    Chick fil a Breakfast Survey?
